Corporate Governance, a pillar of the listed company

Corporate Governance, a pillar of the listed company

Emisores Españoles, on the occasion of its fifteenth anniversary, gave me the opportunity to moderate the round table Achievements of the securities market from the regulator’s perspective with three former chairs of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV)...
Europe in the face of the coming winter

Europe in the face of the coming winter

Although the end of autumn is still weeks away, the cold weather has arrived in Europe and it is worth asking ourselves what kind of energy situation we are in and how calmly we Europeans are facing this second winter of war in Ukraine. On 1 November, the so-called...
The skill of lifelong learning

The skill of lifelong learning

“75% of companies admit to having difficulties in recruiting the talent they need”. Also, 78% of the companies surveyed view the scarcity of talent as a key threat to the long-term viability of their business. These are two of the findings of the Report on...
What’s new, ESG?

What’s new, ESG?

As the United States grapples with an anti-ESG movement that is gaining some traction in a context of culture war and political polarisation, Europe is demonstrating that the European Green Deal meant business and reinforcing its commitment. The best proof of this is...